O U R L A U N D RY L A B www.swift-research.co.uk We are proud to be at the forefront of laundry product testing. Our bespoke in-house ‘Laundry Lab’ was developed specifically for research within the competitive laundry market, where consumer repeat purchase relies heavily on fragrance. Our fleet of washing machines and dryers allows us to prepare and store laundry for fragrance and performance testing both on and offsite. We have 22 Miele washing machines, catering for the most complex of laundry tests - including 9 in sensory booths. This is an invaluable resource for FMCG and fragrance manufacturers, supported by full project management from the Swift laundry team experts. Studies in this category include liquid and powder format detergents, fabric conditioners and supplementary products, such as stain removers, softeners and scent enhancers Projects involve neat, dilute, damp and dry product tests, all prepared to strict protocols.